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As said here before it could be argued that geothermally heated water is the best thing about Iceland. It gives us all of those wonderful spas, hot tubs, swimming pools and even highly effective supplements from all natural silica.  The latest baths to open in Iceland is GeoSea baths in Húsavík town. It is a great addition to the already wonderful Diamond Circle route in North East Iceland and I am happy to recommend it. The best way to experience the Diamond Circle is to rent a car and if you do, you might be helped in your travel planning with the Diamond Circle road trip plan.

GeoSea baths in Húsavík has a salty twist

I do my very best to experience all the activities on offer for travelers. GeoSea baths in Húsavík is no exception. The GeoSea baths opened in September 2018 but I was only able to experience them this April. The baths have a little twist. The water there is an extremely mineral rich mix of sea water and geothermal water. This is extracted from two boreholes in the vicinity of the baths. The locals have been bathing in the salty water for many years, both for relaxation and to relieve skin ailments such as psoriasis. But now you don’t have to settle for an old barrel. You can float in style in the salty water or sit with your cold beer if that is your thing. The water stays clean all the time since it is replenished constantly. Overflowing water from the baths runs its course to the sea.

Sunset at GeoSea Baths in Húsavík.
Perfect day!

A first class view

The baths are perched on a hill at the edge of the sea. From there you have an excellent view of the bay of Skjálfandi and the snow covered Kinnarfjöll mountain range. It may be a bit far fetched but perhaps you might be lucky enough to spot a whale or two when you are at the baths, after all, the Skjálfandi bay is probably one of the best areas in Iceland to see whales. Although it must be said that whale watching is a contact sport! And the potential to enjoy the northern lights and starlit skies when soaking in the GeoSea baths in winter should be enough to include them in your itinerary. The light pollution on this location should be minimal in any case.

Sunset at GeoSea Baths in Húsavík.

As hot as you like it

I loved that the baths have different temperatures so everybody should find the right level of heat. I liked the warmest part of the baths but that is just me. Sitting in the hot water looking out over the sea and to the mountains was relaxing. But discovering yet again that I can’t float to save my life, even in highly salty water was a bit frustrating! But do visit GeoSea in Húsavík and see if you have better luck floating than I did.

How to get to the GeoSea Baths in Húsavík town

From the town of Akureyri drive on highway 1 and then turn to road no. 85. You have the option of taking the new tunnel under Vaðlaheiði mountain. I recommend that you do this in winter and do not attempt the Víkurskarð pass.