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Update (27th of June 2019): We are happy to report that there will be no whaling in Icelandic waters in the summer of 2019. Perhaps if we keep fight whaling in Iceland it will be stopped.

Get 10% discount when booking a whale watching tour with Elding

By using the promo code STUCKINICELAND when you book a whale watching tour with the acclaimed company Elding, you will get a 10% discount. The code is valid until the 31st of March 2020.

Icelandic companies or organizations with an international presence on social media often take a lot of flak about whaling. This may become an issue again since whaling in Icelandic waters is now (sadly) back in international news. People from all over the world ask: ‘What are you doing to stop whaling in Icelandic waters?´ Sometimes things get a bit more direct and obscene, to put it mildly. But many Icelanders oppose whaling. Especially those who work in the international sector. But what is the best way to fight whaling in Iceland? We say it is by going whale watching there.

How do you fight whaling in Iceland?

To answer the question ‘What are we doing about whaling?´ It would be voting for political parties that oppose whaling. We were blindsided by the Left-Green party who now leads the government which is authorizing whaling. That is a bit frustrating! We voice opposition on social media and make fun of the Captain Ahab-like character (and a donor to politicians) that is behind all whaling in Icelandic waters. We do not purchase whale meat. It is a good thing then that whale meat isn’t really a connoisseur’s choice!

In any case, we oppose whaling for several reasons.

It is hurting Iceland

Anything that casts a shadow over our country internationally troubles us. We are patriotic people. Whaling in Icelandic waters is certainly doing that.

Bad for the Icelandic economy

Whaling is not exactly a growth industry for the 21st century. The meat cannot be sold. This arcane industry supports few jobs, it seems to be subsidized by a single wealthy individual. Whale watching, on the other hand, is an important part of the vital Icelandic travel sector. It is being hurt by whaling.

Impact on endangered whales

Fortunately, there are not many species of whales that are endangered in Icelandic waters. But it is clear that whaling can affect those as well.

Go whale watching in Iceland and fight whaling

You may ask yourself what is the best thing I can do as a potential visitor to Iceland to oppose whaling. Perhaps going whale watching here in Iceland is the best thing to do. You might see those spectacular beings up close and personal. You will also be ´voting with your money´- sending a clear signal that the right thing to do is to look at whales rather than killing them for no purpose. And yes it is fine to voice your opposition online as well. Just remember that the people receiving your messages will probably be as opposed to whaling as you are.