Sushi Social is a Reykjavik hotspot
Sushi Social is without a doubt one of Reykjavík´s most popular restaurants. It serves an exciting blend of high-end sushi (with a twist), Japanese favorites and south-American grill dishes. It is also known for it’s a great variety of Mojitos, our favorite being the Chili...
Get 10% off this 5 Star Icelandic Culinary Experience
Ýmir Björgvin Arthursson is a great friend of mine and probably the best culinary guide in Iceland. He is one of these authentic people who have a true passion for what they do. I am happy to report that we have joined forces so if...
Reykjavik bistro with a side of celeb spotting – check out Snaps!
Snaps Is a Reykjavik bistro which is one of our favourite restaurants. It is a small French bistro in the centre of Reykjavik. The word Snaps is the Icelandic version of the German word Schnapps, a small strong shot, hugely popular all over mid- and...