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Not every day is an Icelander nominated for the Academy Awards or the Oscars. However, this year, Icelandic director Sara Gunnarsdóttir received this prestigious nomination for directing the animated comedy film “My Year of Dicks,” created by Pamela Ribon. The film tells the story of a teenage girl on a quest to lose her virginity. However, she finds it challenging, not least because the available partners are not exactly optimal. I am sure many can relate to this uniquely humorously take on the trials and tribulations of young love!

“My Year of Dicks” has received more accolades than the priced Academy nomination. The film won both the Special Jury Awards at SXSW for Unique Vision in Writing and Directing and the Crystal for TV Production at Annecy Animation Film Festival. Additionally, Sara worked on Marielle Heller’s celebrated debut feature “The Diary of a Teenage Girl” and HBO’s Emmy-nominated “The Case Against Adnan Sayed.”

My Year of Dicks is directed by Icelandic director Sara Gunnarsdottir.
My Year of Dicks is directed by Icelandic director Sara Gunnarsdottir.

I was intrigued when I heard about Sara’s nomination to the Oscars. She was unknown to me, but her illustrious career demonstrates that instant success takes a while! I watched My Year of Dicks” and to my surprise (!) I  found it enjoyable. So I wanted to hear more from Sara; fortunately, she was up for an interview.


Hey Sara, thank you for taking the time for an interview. I saw on the news that you recently hung out with all the Hollywood stars. How does it feel to get a nomination for the Oscars?

It fills me with so much pride. I feel so incredibly blessed and lucky to have gotten the opportunity to do the work I’ve done. I’m aware that not too long ago, those doors would have been shut for me, and I’m grateful for all the women and men that have helped open those doors and help create these opportunities. Honestly, I think the fact we got money to make this film is a minor miracle.

A scene from My Year of Dicks.
A scene from My Year of Dicks.

How did it come about that you directed My Year of Dicks?

FX Network had me on a list of Independent Animation directors that could assemble their teams, and Pam chose to work with me.

What were the most significant challenges involved in creating the film?

Perhaps working around Covid. When we were recording the actors, some could go to a studio in LA, and then me Pam and Jeanette would zoom in. In other instances, we had to ship a recording kit to people’s houses, and everyone was on Zoom. We were doing the same thing for reference footage, meeting up over zoom, recording on there, and asking the actors to record on their phones while I tried to direct it over zoom.

A scene from My Year of Dicks, an animated feature film directed by Sara Gunnarsdóttir
A scene from My Year of Dicks, an animated feature film directed by Sara Gunnarsdóttir

Can you tell me about your upcoming projects?

I’m starting to work with Amy Berg again (The Case Against Adnan Syed) on a documentary about Jeff Buckley.
We are also trying to make MYOD into a tv series.

What Icelandic films, actors, or directors do you want to recommend to my readers?

I liked the film Lamb that came out last year. I’m also a big fan of the actors behind Vesturport (Blackport) and the projects they take on, the previous being the TV series VERBÚÐIN. I also appreciate director Ragnar Bragason.

What are your favorite activities or places in Iceland?

When I lived in the States, I really missed the swimming pools.

My favorite place is Flatey á Skjálfanda.  It’s a tiny Island (near the town of Húsavík in the North East of Iceland)  I used to go to in the summertime with my family. I haven’t been back in my adult life, but hopefully, I’ll get a chance to visit again at some point.

What advice do you have for those visiting Iceland for the first time?

Pack a swimsuit and a warm sweater!

Watch the film My Year of Dicks, directed by Sara Gunnarsdóttir

Interested in checking out Flatey Island in the bay of Skjálfandi?

You can contact my partners at Northsailing for a tour to Flatey from the north-eastern town of Húsavík.