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As some might recall, I recently went on a road trip to Vík with my better half, culminating in an epic paragliding adventure with my partners at True Adventure. The perfect way to lower our blood pressure and reduce our adrenaline-infused rush was to experience the ethereal beauty of the Kvernufoss waterfall.

Kvernufoss waterfall is next to the portal to the Icelandic highlands

Kvernufoss is in a gorge next to the legendary 60-meter-high (200 feet) Skógafoss. I love Skógafoss, but not entirely for its beauty and power. It is next to the starting point for one of Iceland’s best hiking trails, Fimmvörðuháls. So, for me, Skógafoss is a beautiful waterfall and a portal to the harsh beauty of the highlands beyond. You may venture up there and have an adventure of a lifetime. Or you might struggle for hours, shivering coldly, questioning your life choices. So I always think about that when I pass Skógafoss by.

Kvernufoss waterfall in the distance.
Obligatory photo of Mr. and Mrs. Stuck in Iceland behind Kvernufoss waterfall.

Check out Skógafoss, but look closer

But I digress. Kvernufoss waterfall, a relatively unknown neighbor of Skógarfoss, is a hidden treasure. On any given summer day, you can witness scores of travelers admiring the majestic Skógarfoss waterfall, unaware that a short walk away lies a sight too rarely seen, even by Icelanders. It’s a privilege to discover this hidden beauty free of the commerce and the hustle and bustle of Skógafoss.

Nice rainbow you got there Mr. Kvernufoss.
Nice rainbow you got there Mr. Kvernufoss.

Gentrification makes things better

We had both been to Kvernufoss before and to our pleasant surprise, the approach to Kvernufoss had been gentrified, just like our neighborhood in Reykjavik. If you have an issue with gentrification, you are on the wrong website! Gone is the muddy, slippery excuse of a path; instead, there is a nice track. I was also delighted to see a ranger show up and politely ask people to stay on the path. All of this is made possible by a modest parking fee.  People who manage places like Múlagljúfur Gorge should take note.

The troll remains, blocking the view of the Kvernufoss waterfall. Unacceptable!
The troll remains, blocking the view of the Kvernufoss waterfall. Unacceptable!

Kvernufoss is a bit like Seljalandsfoss but cooler. You can walk behind Kvernufoss, but going the full circle is not really smart. As you may imagine things get wet and slippery so close to the waterfall. The waterfall is picturesque, as you can see in my poor photography accompanying this article. I found it so much fun to photograph behind the sheet of water. The results were poor, mostly because we had hit upon a perfect sunny day. But it is easy to see how your photos can turn out moody and atmospheric in a different light. So when you are traveling on the South Coast don’t miss out on Kvernufoss. It is truly an essential destination on the South Coast.

How to get to Kvernufoss waterfall

Follow route 1 east from Reykjavik to the small village of Skógar. Turn off the main road at Skógar and the signs will take you Kvernufoss waterfall.

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