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I could never be a fishing guide in Iceland. I am what is called in Icelandic ‘fiskifæla,’ a word that means something like ‘fish repeller.’ Every time I am by a riverbank and try to fish, the salmon, trout, or char conspire not to interact with my lure. They must have made a pact, never, ever buy what Jón is selling. However, the opposite is true for the veteran fishing guide and my acquaintance, Guðmundur Atli Ásgeirsson, who runs the company ‘Fly Fishing in Iceland.

Guiding Thor in Iceland

I noticed on social media that Guðmundur had guided one of my favorite actors, Chris Hemsworth, and his daughter to fishing on their recent action-packed trip to Iceland. I was also impressed that he had created a lovely imprint of the first salmon caught by Hemsworth’s daughter, India, using the ancient Japanese method of Gyotaku, the old Japanese process of printing fish. Guðmundur, or Gummi, as he often called, was gracious enough to take the time out of his busy schedule to answer my questions.

An Icelandic salmon.
After a long and valiant struggle, this beautiful salmon is finally brought to the river bank.

Hey, Gummi. Thank you for taking the time for this interview. Could you tell us about your journey? How did you come to be a fishing guide in Iceland?

It all started with my love of fly fishing, I needed money to fish the expensive salmon rivers, so one way to fish them was through guiding in the rivers. I was pretty young when I started, 22 years old, so I have been guiding for over 25 years and still love guiding on the river.

A man is fly-fishing in an Icelandic river with a rainbow and a waterfall next to him.
A perfect day, fly-fishing in an Icelandic river.

What can those who join you on your fishing tours expect?

I always try to have fun with my clients; I’m laid back and patient. They can expect I always try my hardest to let them catch fish, and most people do. ( Not sure I can let the fiskifæla catch some fish ;-).

(Editor’s note: I would be very impressed if you managed that feat!)

How do you personalize your fishing tours to cater to both novice fishers and seasoned anglers?

I try to discover what they like to catch and what day out fishing they want. Everybody has their idea of what they like to do, so I try to meet their expectations.


Australian actor Chris Hemsworth with his daughter, who is holding a salmon she caught.
Chris Hemsworth with his daughter and her Maríulax.

What is it like to guide mega-stars like Chris Hemsworth?

He was like any other client. Chris was a very nice guy, not acting like a big star, just like any Aussie I have met, easygoing. Of course, thoughts about Chris, one of the biggest actresses in the world, made me a little nervous before I met him. As I talked to him and took him fishing, he was just another father taking his daughter fishing, and she was the reason he was fishing with me, so we had fun for a few hours, and luckily, she caught a beautiful salmon. So, the mission was accomplished.

A salmon is painted and prepared for Gyotaku
A salmon is painted and prepared for Gyotaku

You created a beautiful print from the salmon Chris’s daughter caught, using the ancient Japanese technique of Goytaku.

Thanks, I’m very proud that I had the chance to do art from her first salmon. We call it Maríulax in Iceland, and that is a very special moment when you catch your first salmon. You will have to bite the Adipose fin off the first salmon you catch; if you do not, that is bad luck for an angler.

Man drawing a gyotaku fish print.
There is careful sketching …

Is Goytaku something you do for all of your clients?

No, I don’t do that to all my clients. Only if they ask me or I sell them the idea to print their fish. It will be a full job printing so many prints. But I do it for groups when somebody catches their first salmon or a trophy fish. I have been doing fish prints for almost ten years, and many lodges in Iceland have my prints.

A fish print, Gyotaku of an Icelandic salmon by Guðmundur Atli Ásgeirsson.
A fish print, Gyotaku of an Icelandic salmon by Guðmundur Atli Ásgeirsson.

What are the main challenges you face as a fishing guide in Iceland, and how do you overcome them?

It will have to be the weather! And the best way to handle that is to smile and have fun.

A man in a river holding a salmon at Fossá river in Thjorsárdalur valley in Iceland. Behind him is the waterfall Hjálparfoss
Happiness is holding a fish you caught!

What advice do you have for those visiting Iceland for a fishing trip for the first time?

Iceland is trout heaven; salmon fishing can also be excellent, and the prices of the trips can be very different. Knowing how much you can spend on fishing is good, and being with a guide is always the way to fish in Iceland.

Two men holding a salmon by a river in Iceland.
These gentlemen caught a big one.

Lastly, what is the most rewarding part of being a fishing guide in Iceland?

It was being outside in nature, meeting new folks from all over the world. It’s a very pleasant job.
I have made many good friends from all over the world. 😉