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A quick public service announcement: there is a really nice food market in the center of Reykjavik every Saturday in August and July.

Taco is good. Yes!
Taco is good. Yes!

Opening hours are from 1 – 6 PM. I went today and it had a really nice assortment of various restaurants offering a lot of tasty treats and drinks.

Getting the burgers ready under considerable pressure.
Getting the burgers ready under considerable pressure.

I can´t resist throwing in a bit of historical trivia. The food market is held in a square today called “Fógetagarður.” The square is named after the founder of modern Reykjavik, Skúli Magnússon.



The tastiest treat, slow cooked pork.
The tastiest treat, slow cooked pork.

You can see a statue of that rather distinguished looking gentleman in the centre of the square. Few people realize that this is the site of the old Reykjavik church and cemetery dating back to the settlement and the start of Christianity in Iceland.


Old Skúli gets some color. Finally.
Old Skúli gets some color. Finally.


The cemetery was closed in 1838 but the church was replaced by the nearby Reykjavik Cathedral in 1796. So trample on some old bones, give old Skúli a nod and have some posh nosh at the Reykjavik Street Food Market.

Points of interest nearby:

 How to get there

The Fógetagarður Square is right in the centre of the old city centre!

Every Saturday until i23rd of August there is a really nice food market in the centre of Reykjavik.