The Sky Lagoon in Iceland – glorious luxurious relaxation
I am just incredibly relaxed today. My skin is remarkably smooth, and my shoulders are free of the soreness and stiffness that comes with exercising, commuting with a bike every day, and working on a computer all day long. The reason, well, I visited the...
Vök baths is a must visit nature bath in the east of Iceland
Vök baths near Urriðavatn lake are close to the town of Egilsstaðir. This nature bath is one of the latest of Iceland’s top-quality travel destinations. I am delighted to announce that readers of Stuck in Iceland Travel Magazine get a 10% discount when they use...
Relax in the hot tubs of Hauganes and enjoy delicious baccalá
The hot tubs of Hauganes demonstrate why Iceland’s best resource is hot water. And although I am a big fan of fancy spas, I am an even bigger fan of old-school hot tubs. Add delicious food into the mix, and I am sold. That is...
The Beer Spa – Perfect Combination in Northern Iceland
I love combinations. Like Oreo and ice cream, red wine and cheese, beer and pizza. Or perhaps beer and spa! If you fancy that combination, you are in luck. The Beer Spa opened last summer near the lovely town of Akureyri and it has been...
The Awesome Lake Myvatn Nature Baths – Soak and Relax!
I get a lot of flak from my wife that I work much too hard. She is right of course. I recently found out that I had 7.5 of vacation days from last year so I just had to take a break. So we took...
The Surprising Gem of an Icelandic Hot Spring
Paul Hutchinson has kindly accepted to contribute to Stuck in Iceland. Paul is not only a great writer and photographer but also an expert programmer and a legend in the gaming world. Here is tell us about a nice little hot spring he found. The...