Midgard unites all fandoms in Iceland
Midgard is Iceland’s first all-inclusive fan convention, targeting fans from various fields – video games, tabletop games, cosplay, literature, comics, television, movies, and more. The Midgard convention will be held at the Laugardalshöll venue on the 9th of September and 10th of September 2023. The...
Iceland’s Musical Treasure: Discover the Pearls of Icelandic Song
Welcoming you to the heart of Reykjavik stands Harpa concert hall, a landmark is known not just for its exceptional architecture but also for its role as the pulse of cultural and social life in Iceland. With its state-of-the-art acoustic technology, Harpa has drawn millions...
Icelandic civil war – Game of Thrones style
Iceland is one of the world’s safest destinations for travelers. Things were more ‘exciting’ in the middle ages. The ninth-century (or earlier) settlement seems to have been mostly peaceful. Weapons have been found in grave sites from the settlement era, and the sagas tell of...
Meet Valur Heiðar, one of Iceland’s leading private guides
A magazine like Stuck in Iceland should be a springboard for independent and authentic entrepreneurs. The people and the companies I work with should have proven themselves to offer the best service and value to people visiting Iceland. Somebody who fulfills both criteria is travel...
Harpa in Reykjavik has unique architecture and exciting attractions
The Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center is my favorite building in Reykjavik. It has many wonderful features, but the main hall of Eldborg stands out. No matter what event or concert I attend, entering that deep red hall is always a special occasion. The...
The Icelandic Christmas book flood is upon us. Take cover!
Icelanders have many odd Christmas traditions. We have 13 Yule trolls that used to terrorize children before Christmas but now give children small gifts. Their parents used to devour children who behaved outside of accepted societal norms, and of course, a giant Christmas cat would...
Deep dive into Icelandic films with the podcast Kvikmyndapod
I love podcasts and audiobooks. I commute almost exclusively by bike, and every time I get on my bike, I look forward to listening to something. There are a few great Iceland-focused podcasts out there. I interviewed the wonderful Jewells Chambers, who has the entertaining...
Alda Sigmundsdóttir on Iceland, narcissism, and being known
Alda Sigmundsdóttir is a force of nature when it comes to educating the world about Iceland, its history, and culture. She has written and published seven top-rated books in her Little Books on Icelanders series, covering such topics as the Icelandic language, tourists to Iceland,...