Category: Reykjavik


Discover the Reykjavik Toy Spreader

There’s an surround artist on the prowl in Reykjavik. He or she (or indeed them?) is called ´Dótadreifarinn´in Icelandic or the ´Toy Spreader´. Reykjavik Toy Spreader leaves toys just out of reach The name is self-explanatory, they take small toy items, namely figurines, toy soldiers,...

Asgeir´s Boozy Nighttime Adventure in Reykjavik

Our favorite Vlogger Asgeir of DoMore Asgeir fame has released a new video where he embarks on a boozy nighttime adventure in Reykjavik in the middle of the week (tut tut). In the new video he is documenting his participation in the recent Reykjavik Bar Summit...

A Tale of Two Old Reykjavik Graveyards

Reykjavik has two old graveyards which are no longer in use. The first one is now a square just across the road from the Settlement Museum (which I highly recommend) and was in use from the settlement in the ninth century to about 1838 when the graveyard...