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Subscribe to instantly receive discount codes for tours, car rental, camper van rental, and outdoor clothing rental. Thank you! ❤️ Jon Heidar, Editor of Stuck in Iceland Travel MagazineConfession time is here and I admit that I have a sweet tooth. So for me, it was both a blessing and a curse when (Website / Facebook page) opened. Reykjavik, and Iceland in general, have plenty of nice bakeries and cafés. But there is something extra special about the simple carbs that Brauð og Co offers. In my opinion, they have the best pastry in Reykjavik. And no this is not an ad. I have no affiliation with Brauð & Co. I just happened to walk past their bakery in downtown Reykjavik this morning and got myself a good cup of coffee and some amazing piece of sugary loveliness. The lady at the counter told me that their biggest clientele were young travelers.
Organic sourdough bakery
Brauð & Co describe themselves as ´an organic sourdough bakery which is inspired by tradition and simplicity.´ Their pastries and bread don´t look fancy, in fact, it is all a bit rugged. But that´s Iceland for you. My personal favorite are the vanilla buns. They are simply to die for. But their organic and yeast-free sourdough bread is just incredible as well. Brauð & Co have it as their ambition to serve sourdough bread warm and fresh all day long.
How to find the best pastry in Reykjavik
Brauð & Co is currently located in three places:
- Downtown: Frakkastígur 16 and Hlemmur Mathöll (Well worth a visit for great food, drinks, and ambiance). Find Hlemmur Mathöll on Google Maps
- The East Side of Reykjavik: Fákafen 11
- Th West Side of Reykjavik on Melhagi 22