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A borrowed camera, a six hour drive with one CD stuck in the car stereo. My first visit to the beautiful land of Ice, with the best tour-guide/friend a guy could want. Whilst there, the story of the dilapidated fish factory unfurled before my eyes and ears.

So describes the author of this short film his visit to Iceland and in particular a tour to the small, remote village of Djúpavík in the North-West of the country. About 70 km away from the nearest settlement Djúpavík consists of seven lonely houses, a well kept hotel and the ruined remains of a herring factory which used to be one of the largest concrete buildings in Europe. It’s a strange and fascinating place.

I recommend you set a side about ten minutes of your busy schechule and watch this short film about big dreams and ambitions, money, power and fish. I assure you the time will be well spent.


Should you be interested in visiting this picturesque place and it’s surroundings you can find all the information you need at

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